What Are YOU Doing?

ImageI wrote this bit some time ago, the week of the end of the Mayan calendar, when the world was supposed to end, shortly after the Sandy Hook school shooting.

Been doing a lot of thinking the last several days.  And I think this applies to all of us…. whether you are Christian, Catholic, Muslim, Agnostic, Atheist, gay, straight, black, white, yellow, purple, fat, skinny, athletic, or otherwise.  Or if you’re a fish. Ok, that might be a stretch, LOL.

Just consider…. What if…. the world DOES end this Friday?  What if… it all comes to a crashing halt tonight?  Or ten minutes from right now?  I personally don’t believe it’s going to happen this Friday.  If you are a religious person (or even if you’re not, you might), you know that the Bible specifically says that “no one knows the day or the hour”.  To that end, my personal belief is that if/when it does happen, it will most definitely NOT be this Friday.  Maybe this Thursday or Saturday, but for sure not Friday.  Then again, that whole reverse psychology thing might figure into it (shrugging shoulders).

My point with my ramblings here is this: We all know about the recent tragedies in Newtown, Ct., among too many others.  I believe the world is just too full of hatred, too many rude people.  Inconsiderate jerks.  I do my best, and usually, in my honest opinion, fail miserably, to counteract this.  I have my issues dealing with rude people.  I have a temper, and sometimes it gets the better of me, despite my efforts to keep a level head.  But I try.  And I ask this: What have I done, what have you done… to make this world a better place during my/your time on this planet?  I’m not talking about curing cancer, or starting some well-intentioned charity, or being a missionary for a worthy cause of your choice, be it religious or otherwise.  What I’m talking about is just making a day, or just a few minutes, a little bit better for someone you come into contact with.  Hold the door for the lady who happens to be entering the doctor’s office at the same time as you.  Tip the nice, hard-working server an extra ten or twenty bucks, if you can afford it.  Check on the older person who lives next door, and offer to pick up something from the store for her or him.  Smile! Even if you don’t feel like it, even if you feel completely ticked off at anything and everyone in the whole universe for no good reason at all, (I feel this way much more than I wish I did) … smile at someone!  They might look at you like you’re crazy, or maybe they’ll just wonder what you’re up to.  But every time you do this, I promise you will feel better, even if it’s just a little bit.  Add them up, smile at the next person you see.  And the one after that, and the one after that.  It will add up, and next thing you know, you’ll feel much better about things, even if only for a little while.


How about your friends and families?  Talk to them.  Pay attention to them, know if they sound like their moods and attitudes are changing.  If they sound like they are having issues, problems, let them know that you care.  Tell them that you love them.  Let them know that you are there for them.  Don’t judge, just listen.  Don’t advise, unless asked, just listen.  Be encouraging.  Be positive.  Be a friend.

Maybe if we all try just a tiny bit harder (myself included, I’m not judging, I need to do better also) to make our own little circles around us a little bit better, we’ll have a few less of these tragedies.  Wouldn’t that be a good thing?

Feel free to comment, if you like.  And of course, if you like what I write, please subscribe and follow me.


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