Letter To My Dad

Hi Dad,
For some reason I’m really missing you this morning. I can’t believe it’s been 10 1/2 years since you’ve been gone.
How have you been? I’ve been ok, I guess. Can’t really complain. Well I could, but what would be the point, you know? Wouldn’t change anything by doing that, and who wants to hear it? Plus, you know, why complain about some things that are so trivial in my life when compared to some of the things other people have to go through, right? But I still do sometimes, anyway, even though I try not to. Human nature, I guess, huh?
HEY!!! Can you believe these Royals?? Almost won it all last year! 90 feet away from tying it up at the end… and then it was over. I think Gordon would have been out on that play. Would have taken ANOTHER miracle for the shortstop to mess up that relay throw, don’t ya think? I think this year they’ll be back in it. Hopefully it’s them and those Cardinals. I guess we’ll see.
Earlier this morning I was lying in bed not wanting to crawl out yet, cause I’m off work today, and doggone it…. I didn’t wanna get up at 6 a.m.! You know how that is. But anyway, I was lying there playing with my phone… and I was playing solitaire. (Yeah… I know, productive, right? Hahahaa!) But I remembered how you used to sit at the kitchen table a lot, playing solitaire. Can you believe you don’t need an actual physical deck of cards to do that now? Well, I guess you didn’t when you were still here, we did have computers then, but now you can do it on a phone.
Yeah, quite a bit has changed since I saw you last. I guess you know the Chiefs are climbing back up the ladder, too. I think they’re gonna be much better this year, too.
I still think about you quite often. Not necessarily every day but almost. Some days I think about you and miss you but it’s not too bad. Some days are like today and it’s almost overwhelming.
I miss talking to you, Dad. I miss just being around you, drinking coffee, playing cards, watching ballgames. And I miss having you around to ask you about things. You know… what would you do about this or that… how would you handle this situation or the other. Even though I didn’t always take your advice, I wanted and needed your input on things sometimes. I never realized then how much I took for granted you being around for that.
Sure, I still have other people to do that, you know… family and good friends like Rob. But you know, sometimes you just want to talk to your dad and get his thoughts. I guess there’s a certain comfort in just that, at least there was for me, anyway. I’m sorry, Dad, for taking you for granted. I’m sorry for not realizing then just how little time I had left with you, and not being more appreciative for your being there for me.
I hope you understand. I’m sure you do. You always were very understanding about stuff. I miss that about you.
Dad, I hope I was a good son to you. I did try. I hope you realized then how much I did love you, Dad. You were a great father. A great Dad. And I know you tried as hard as you could to be as good a Dad as you could.
We all miss you and love you, Dad.
Anyway, I’m going to sign off for now. My eyes are leaking a little and I was just really missing you and wanted to talk to you and tell you that. I wish I could see you and hug you. I’ll get to one day soon enough, I guess.
Til next time, Dad. Again, I love you and miss you.
See ya.
Always your son, David.