Gun Control. Consider this… (revisited/additional thoughts)

Please read the previous post also.

A coworker just read my previous post and made the point to me that it seems that some people carry a weapon just waiting for something to happen, looking for an argument.  Just so they can say “I felt threatened by this person”, in order to have a chance to shoot someone, and claim self-defense.

I believe that’s true, and there again, it just goes back to the point I made in the previous post. Teaching responsibility to our children so that they become responsible, moral adults capable of making ethical decisions.

I also began thinking more about the part where I made this statement:

“To choose to end another person’s  life, I believe, is the ultimate transgression.  To do that, then take your own life, takes it a step further, for in doing that, you  refuse to take responsiblity for your actions, and makes you even more of a coward.”

I initially said that in December 2012, when Kansas City Chiefs linebacker Jovan Belcher fatally shot his girlfriend and mother of his child, then immediately drove to the team practice facility at Arrowhead Stadium and in front of then head coach Romeo Crennel and Chiefs general manager Scott Pioli, took his own life.

I still stand by that  statement, however, as a person who myself has dealt with the grips of depression for nearly half my life to this point, can understand how one might take his/her own life after intentionally taking another person’s.

It wouldn’t in any way make it right, and I’m definitely not saying that this would apply to each situation, but I’ll explain:  I can see how one might, in a fit of uncontrolled rage, an otherwise normal, good person may intentionally kill someone.  Then that person realizes the gravity of the act they committed, and decides that they cannot live with the guilt of that act.  I can understand the fear OF living with that guilt for the rest of your life, and deciding that you simply cannot live with that.

You see, I had a friend a few years ago who did just that, and I believe that may have been the case with him.  Justin was really a good person, to my knowledge.  He had several very good friends (a few of whom happen to also be good friends of mine) who, like myself, were completely shocked when they got word of this.  We really had trouble grasping the idea that our good friend Justin would be capable of murdering someone.  And then to take his own life, was incomprehensible to us.  I do not know the full details of what exactly transpired that night, but I do have trouble fathoming the idea that Justin was not a good person.  I truly believe he was, and from that, can only believe that is exactly what happened with him.  Regardless of what exactly did happen, it was a tragic event in which 2 men lost their lives.  They both had friends and family who loved them, and the tragedy touched many lives in some way.

Final thought:  Please, tell those you care about that you love them.  Pay attention to how they are acting, what they are saying.  Be sure they know that you are there for them, to listen without prejudice.

I would love to hear your thoughts.  As always, please click the “like” button, “share” my page, and feel free to comment.

Love y’all!

2 thoughts on “Gun Control. Consider this… (revisited/additional thoughts)

  1. I think in your final thought it said it all. To me, that sums up the whole issue of the push for more control given to the government. Like I said in my other comment, it is a lack of trusting in God. We lack that essential presence of someone listening…someone caring. And without that, when we live in such a hurried, busy society…with busy families each on a quest for personal satisfaction, well we lack that true sense of knowing there’s someone there for us. You’re so right…we need to be there for each other.
    Thank you.

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