My Dad, the Kansas City Royals, and the World Series

Hi Dad,

It’s been 10 years this month that you’ve been gone from this earth.  I miss you so much.  You are the reason I am a Royals fan, and a Chiefs fan.  You instilled it in me.  I remember so many times watching games with you, listening on the radio while sitting outside in the shade with a cool drink, or playing catch, or at the kitchen table playing cards.  I miss those days.

They were awfully good back then, huh?  Remember the Pine Tar Game?  I know you do, that was just crazy, huh?

And look at ’em now!  After all those years in futility, so many times we dissected the games, talking about what went wrong, or occasionally, what went right.  Here they are in 2014, in the World Series!!  I can’t believe it!!!  Can you?  I know you are just smiling and laughing big up there in Heaven.

Only thing I wish I could change… is that you could be here with me to watch tonight, as they take on the Giants in game 7.  But I know you’re with me in spirit.  Let’s cheer them on together, what do ya say?

Oh…. and if they get in a tight spot tonight, feel free to give a little help to a Billy Butler fly ball, ok?

You know I love you still.

Say it with me Dad….  LET’S GO ROYALS!!!  LET’S GO ROYALS!!!  LET’S GO ROYALS!!!

Always your son,


My Dad again4966315_G

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