Another Chiefs season finished

So the Chiefs lost. True, it was a phenomenal year, especially considering being 2-14 last year. That doesn’t change or dissuade the pain of this loss. Should have had it. Blame the coaches for not making adjustments, or the players for not executing the plays properly. Or the officiating (this game was not nearly as bad as some of the others). Or you can blame the injuries. They happen and it is what it is. I blame all of those. However, one thing has not, and will not change. That is my affinity and loyalty to this team. I will be a Kansas City Chiefs fan til I die. The Chiefs Super Bowl bandwagon is merely back in the proverbial garage, and will come back out in August of next year.
My thoughts: No one on the team SHOULD be “happy” or satisfied with 11-5, UNLESS they’ve reached the ultimate team goal. For different teams, every year, that goal may be different, and may change as the year progresses. This year, for our team, I think for many, that goal was initially to be .500 or better. I believe the SB. They were certainly capable of that, and would have, I believe, with just a few different things. So, I would say, after yesterday, “NO”. NO one should be happy with 11-5. A certain satisfaction in the truly remarkable progress that was made this year, yeah, absolutely… and should be very proud of THAT. But not happy with 11-5 given what could have been.
You do NOT blow a 28 point lead. Ever. Particularly in a playoff game. As the game progresses and the opponent makes changes, you have to do the same and counter those changes. Bob Sutton did not do that. Maybe he wasn’t the whole problem, or maybe not at all. Maybe it was just players being out of postion and/or not making plays. Whatever the case, there is obviously some tweaking that needs to be done, defensively AND offensively.
#ChiefsNation forever!Image