Somewhere Over Dwayne Bowe


I follow a Facebook group called Kansascity Chiefs fans all over the world!.  The playoff loss aftermath in the group includes substantial talk of retaining the services of one Dwayne Bowe, the star wide receiver.  The opinions of the group vary widely, from keeping, to cutting, and everything in between.  I kinda think of him like the genius kid in school who is more interested in partying than studying. Gets solid B’s without cracking a book. But if that kid would study, he’d be getting straight A’s and someday may cure cancer.

Today I commented “Resign him, but put it in his contract that if he doesn’t run his routes better, his salary gets cut in half!”

A gentleman named Rodney replied “The contract is as is, David. Would you like a demotion after they guaranteed and gave you a raise already?”

Noted, Rodney.

I replied “Rodney, my comment was sort of tongue-in-cheek. My point was that he is not performing to his potential. He is certainly very talented, as he has shown. However, it’s well agreed by many that his route running could stand substantial improvement. If he would run his routes crisper and not get lazy and cut corners, he should put himself in better position to catch more of the passes thrown his way. This would increase his production, thereby increasing his value and having him closer to earning his already mega-salary. At any job I’ve ever held, if I showed great potential then slacked off to the point that it was apparent I was lazy and not trying to perform my best, I could kiss any kind of pay raise or promotion goodbye. But then again, I never have been a union guy. As the saying goes, everyone has an opinion, and that is mine. Sorry that it doesn’t agree with yours, but that’s the way it is. Oh well.”

I apologize, Rodney, for sounding a bit “snarky” in that comment.  Your argument is valid.  “His new contract was based on his past achievements and assuming he would continue to produce in the same fashion. But obviously he did not live up to that THIS season, but it is a 5yr deal. He shouldn’t be docked or dumped to his 1 and a half years for not meeting his higher standards he set himself in the past years. I do believe he is over paid, but most of them are. Let’s hope he steps it up to a high level next season. And that’s how I see it.”

Rodney, myself, and others continued for a bit, exchanging thoughts on Bowe.

Another guy, Mike (admin of the Facebook group KC Chiefs Sports Talk), made this comment:  “Well Bowe IS one of the best blocking WR in the league. He is a monster for the run game. It’s one of the reason’s I think putting him in a Slot would benefit the run…Set him standing next to a TE… That means you have to drop a safety on him because a LB won’t be able to cover him 1 on 1…Would help with the play action … would leave someone 1 on 1 every time”.

The three of us agreed that this sounded very interesting, which I took a step further.

To wit:  What about making him a tight end?  He’s got the size and strength, without a doubt.  In that regard, he resembles (get ready for this, hold onto your hats, and please don’t mistake my respect or acknowledgement to the great #88) Tony Gonzalez… please… arguably the greatest TE of all time?  Really, think about it.  He’s blocking more, as asked of him, and does it VERY well when he applies himself.  Anthony Fasano and Sean McGrath have certainly emerged as competent at the position, so in a 2 TE set, would open the door more for either one of those.  It would fit great with the offensive scheme that Alex Smith has shown is his best. (dink and dunk low-turnover game-manager)  Yes, we would need the big play WR to fill the spot, but they are out there.  They can be acquired.  With the TE tandem of Bowe and McGrath/Fasano available for short passes, and helping more to block for JC and Knile Davis, that could open things up downfield for the WR’s.

My only issues with Bowe are three things, in no particular order:

  1. His route running.  Got to be more diligent on that.
  2. Pointing to the back of his jersey every time he scores.  THAT has GOT to change.  That takes away from the team and newfound mantra “Chiefs Family” first.
  3. The pot incident.  Really, Dwayne?  You’re not in Colorado, or Washington State.  It’s illegal in Missouri.  Plus it’s against team AND NFL policy.  C’mon, man!

I believe all of those will improve in short order, through his maturing and through the urging of coaches and teammates.

Dwayne Bowe.  Tight End.  Could be something.

Andy?  Andy?  No answer.  Ok.  Anyway, it’s a thought.  I like it.  Coach Reid, if you’d like to enlist the services of Rodney, Mike, or myself, let me know, ok?  I’ll have my people talk to your people.  Got that, my peeps?  Response:  “Yep, got it, Dave”.  There ya have it.

Your thoughts?  Anybody?  Bueller?  Ferris Bueller??
